Why Choose TRVLR?
Effortless PlanningInput your destination, travel dates, and interests.
Our AI handles the rest, from must-see landmarks to hidden gems.
Real-Time UpdatesStay informed with real-time updates on your itinerary.
Easily update and change details of your trip as you are on the go. 
Collaboration Made SimpleInvite friends to your trip and let them vote on activities.
Our platform tallies the votes and updates the itinerary, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
Design The Trip of a Lifetime Using AI
Personalized ItinerariesOur AI technology crafts bespoke itineraries tailored to your interests, preferences, and budget. Say goodbye to the hassle of endless research and let TRVLR create the perfect trip for you.
What you get
1. Everything in one single placeAdd your travel and accommodation booking details to your itinerary.
2. Review Your Custom ItineraryTRVLR’s AI generates a personalized itinerary just for you.
3. Get the group engagedFor group travel, friends can suggest and vote on their favourite activities.
4. Finalize & GoFinalize your plans and embark on your journey with confidence.
Frequently asked questionsEverything you need to know to plan your perfect trip with TRVLR
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Stay InspiredFollow us on social media for travel tips, destination guides, and exclusive offers. Instagram & TikTok: @trvlr.uk
Contact UsHave questions? Our support team is here to help. Reach out anytime at info@trvlr.uk for assistance 
Become a TRVLRSign up to our waitlist for early access to TRVLR when we launch this Autumn.